Call to Action: Identify 'Provocateur' Pushed off Building by Capitol Police (Video)

Despite the FBI’s aggressive targeting of January 6 attendees, this individual has not yet been identified.

Independent journalist Stephen Horn wants to know: Who is the man Capitol police pushed of the stairs of the Capitol on January 6? His question gained more traction in the wake of a viral tweet showing several angles of the incident.

“A yet unidentified man was carried off on a stretcher at the Capitol riot after a fall of 3x-4x his height off a staircase, Horn tweeted on September 24th. “I slowed down four different angles of video, and it appears that he was pushed by a US Capitol police officer in a motorcycle helmet,” he continued.

Horn also shared this video with RAIR Foundation USA that features “longer versions of each angle:”

Here is a longer video of the incident also posted by Horn:

Horn told RAIR he observed some individuals that were “angry, loud, or violent” but otherwise “didn’t appear to stand out from the rest”. Horn, who did not vote for President Trump, continued to say that the Oath Keepers he observed were “protecting a lone officer, not stirring up trouble.”

Horn continued:

I will say that most of the people I saw, even inside the capitol, were peaceful and did not appear to have a specific agenda of shutting any procedure down.

The incident was also posted on Rumble September 9th by the group “Stop Hate.” The Stop Hate website is a resource for those following coverage of the so-called Capitol Breach. Notably, the website also compiles fundraisers for those being persecuted by the government.

Is the Stair-Scaling Man’s Identity Being Protected?

The man shown scaling the stairs at the Capitol appears out of place. Despite the FBI’s aggressive targeting of January 6 attendees, this individual has not yet been identified.

Was he a provocateur, as described by Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy, J. Michael Waller? Waller wrote a first hand description of “cells or groups” at the Capitol posted at the Federalist on January 14:

All of these cells or groups stood out from the very large crowd by their behavior and overall demeanor. However, they did not all appear at the same time. Not until the very end did it appear there was a prearranged plan to storm the Capitol building, and to manipulate the unsuspecting crowd as cover and as a follow-on force.

Waller stated that an explosive security camera video was consistent with his observations. The video shows that black-clad men were the first to breach the Capitol:

Who are those men?

Waller stated that the video supports his observations from that day. “[The video shows] a uniformed helmeted column of agents-provocateurs leading the attack on the Capitol,” Waller tweeted. “Not an insurrection,” he continued.

It is clear that all of the footage from January 6th should be released.

See selected coverage of the events that took place on January 6, 2021:

Renee Nal

Renee Nal is an investigative journalist and documentary film producer.



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