If Europe doesn't reverse the flow of refugees continually pouring into their countries, Jews, Christians, women, gays, and non-muslims will grow more unsafe.
source: www.malaga24h.com Spanish NGO boat brings 132 more illegals into Spain. This is the first of three vessels carrying illegal migrants that will be arriving at the Port of Malaga. NGO Ships in the Mediterranean...
Salvini points out that at the time he left office, there were no NGO migrant-rescue vessels picking up “refugees” in the Mediterranean, and now there are nine.
The legacy media, feigning an interview, attempts to debate the co-leader, and cast aspersions of being "far-right". But Alice Weidel handles it amazingly...
RAIR has compiled a startling collection of statements made by Marxists - including elected officials, union leaders and powerful international communists - during the Democratic Socialists of America’s (DSA) convention