Sweden is being swept by a strong wave of murder, violent assault, rape, gang rape and sexual assault, in addition to the ever-present terror threat. Instead of using its limited resources to protect its citizens from...
"Organizations are pushing huge amounts of money, including George Soros, who openly stated that about $500 million was earmarked for the purpose of assisting the migration."
For safety reasons, migrant-transport busses to asylum centers, must be staffed by special guards. Syrian migrant riders often become violently enraged when they learn they are expected to pay a fare to ride the bus.
Illegal migrants violently breaking into Spain have been shown to be very dangerous people, with values and ambitions that are in staunch opposition to Western values and laws.
There is rightful speculation on the Internet that the man may be angry the store was not sharia-compliant and selling alcohol which is which is forbidden in Islam.
In Europe, human rights are no longer thought to be intrinsic to the individual as a gift given by God, but are rather thought to be a gift of the state, which can be limited or revoked at will.
Angela Merkel’s regime is so suicidal, that she would rather have Germany’s Christmas markets install terror-proof trees and snowman than have to close her borders and stop mass jihad illegal migration.
"...we have done the research. Now it's time for the action for politics and for governance. And in a sense, my entire life has been about this..." -Lorenzo Fioramonti
The AfD is "the only party standing up to 'imported anti-Semitism'" as unchecked migration from Muslim-majority countries has flooded the country, putting Jews at risk.
In virtually every instance of jihad attacks in France, politicians & media hide the identity of the attackers. In rare instances when the identity of an attacked is leaked, the suspect is presented as possibly...
The Left in America mirrors the left in Germany in their overt antisemitism. Ironically, while the left In both countries purports to condemn antisemitism, they are in bed with the worst offenders of Jew Hatred...
One of Lamotte's interviews features brave Swedish woman: "What kind of cowards are coming here? That sit on our streets and sell drugs to our children, rape our women, assault our pensioners..."