"......five policemen rushed at me from behind, two took my arms brutally and mercilessly, dragged me by force, two flanked the attack" - Angelika Barbe, former German MP
"If you don't take your rights, and you let the government decide for you what rights you are going to enjoy day to day, then you've lost them." - Jean-Serge Brisson
"These media outlets are conspiracy practitioners...[D]eleting other opinions and facts; George Orwell could not have conceived of it better." - Jürgen Braun, May 15, 2020
Many Germans have long feared that If given the chance, Merkel would try to establish total control over society. Could their fears be coming to fruition?
Left-wing media across the world have united in a collective attempt to attack Christian Hungary, their Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and anyone from his cabinet who dares to defend the government’s nationalist policies...
Tedros is so deeply in bed with the Chinese Communist Party that he and WHO should be completely ignored when it comes to dealing with the Chinese coronavirus.