Left-wing media across the world have united in a collective attempt to attack Christian Hungary, their Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and anyone from his cabinet who dares to defend the government’s nationalist policies...
"Organizations called NGOs, which in reality are partly human-smuggling groups, are behind this. They have lots of financing and astonishing logistical abilities." - Viktor Orbán
"Hungary was bankrupted by a government consisting of former communists with its liberal policy," he said. "This example confirms the assumption that there is no such thing as a liberal. A liberal is a communist with a...
National security advisor for PM Viktor Orbán, said the attempt was a “blatant and violent organized attack by young men that had the hallmarks of coordination”.
European Union wishes to punish Hungary and Poland for not accepting the globalist, and Soros driven program to create a new Europe without Christian identity using mass Islamic immigration.
The migrants who come to Bosnia have little desire to stay, their ultimate desired destinations are Western EU states like Germany and France who offer them abundant benefits and free housing.