On Friday, July 28, 2023, Muslims took to the streets in London for the “Ashura Day Procession.” In a show of force, Muslims held a public procession that began in front of the iconic Marble Arch and marched towards the...
Ashura! It is that time of year again when Shia Muslims commemorate the death of the Prophet’s grandson by engaging in a solemn ritual. Bloodied Shi’ite Muslims, including young boys, participate in self...
Pakistani Muslim protesters issue grave warnings to Greece, vowing retribution for any desecration of their sacred texts and raising fears of unrest and social tensions.
The reluctance to acknowledge Islamic homophobia among gay rights advocates, left-wing politicians, and the media poses risks to all non-Muslims and undermines the principles they claim to champion.
The religious landscape in Japan is witnessing a disruptive and dangerous shift, primarily attributed to the increasing number of migrants from Islamic states and intermarriage between Muslims and Japanese citizens.
The survival of Western culture depends on recognizing that Islamic Law (Sharia) and Marxist ideology are fundamentally incompatible with and designed to destroy the Judeo-Christian values that have been the foundation...
On Thursday evening, a 25-year-old Algerian migrant was arrested in the 4th arrondissement of Marseille, France. The illegal Algerian national is suspected of having tried to set fire to his female companion. The...
The "respected" Islamic scholar has threatened non-Muslims, homosexuals, Christians, Jews, Hindus, critics of Islam, former Muslims, Western leaders, and the very nations themselves.
"You must take her, and she must die. She must die, and not of something… With blood! In the ground. Stone. Stone. —Stoned. Because what she has done [is] forbidden."
“I am a Muslim with so many regrets, but I can assure you this attack is not one of them, and Insha’Allah, many more attacks like these against the enemy of Allah and the pigs and monkeys will come.”
This is just one more victory in Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s plan to Islamize Europe, seize control and ultimately re-establish the Ottoman Empire.
"...for me, it's a really dangerous situation if they put me in jail. You know a lot of Muslims are in prison. It could be a thing of life and death." - Michael Stuerzenberger
By refusing to confront the speech police or to support freedom of expression for Salman Rushdie, we have entered the road of submission and embraced Islamic Law and tyranny.
A man was killed in an area of Nigeria Abuja for insulting the Islamic prophet, Mohammad. The Daily Trust reports that the victim, a Muslim known as Small Hundaru, whose real name is Ahmad Usman, was accused of...