Isabel Díaz Ayuso not only attacks the draconian restrictions, but she also lashes out against the government for crushing the people’s ability to peacefully protest against these “dictatorial mandate measures.”
Left-wing NGO's are demanding the Spanish government decongest migrant centers by speeding up migrant transfers to Spain's mainland not back to their country of origin where they are legal citizens.
Many viewed this event as both a foreshadowing of the direction in Spain, as well as a provocation towards non-Muslim Spaniards through the reclamation of land that was once under Islamic rule.
European Union wishes to punish Hungary and Poland for not accepting the globalist, and Soros driven program to create a new Europe without Christian identity using mass Islamic immigration.
"The Quran actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves (4) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (zero)."
Illegal migrants violently breaking into Spain have been shown to be very dangerous people, with values and ambitions that are in staunch opposition to Western values and laws.
source: Spanish NGO boat brings 132 more illegals into Spain. This is the first of three vessels carrying illegal migrants that will be arriving at the Port of Malaga. NGO Ships in the Mediterranean...