Despite Mob Resistance to Arrest, Twitter Says Protest in Iowa Capitol was 'Peaceful and Legal' (Video)

The protest was organized by Iowa-based group “Advocates for Social Justice” which aligns with the communist Black Lives Matter movement.

A militant left-wing event held at the Iowa Capitol called “Black Lives Matter Protest – Kill the Racist Bills” turned ugly when a mob descended on police attempting to make an arrest. Despite video footage to the contrary, the establishment media is insisting that the protest was “peaceful.”

Advocates for Social Justice

The event was organized by Iowa-based group “Advocates for Social Justice” which aligns with the communist Black Lives Matter movement. Cedar Rapids residents should know that Democrat officials Stacey Walker, Linn County Supervisor and President of the Cedar Rapids school board Nancy Humbles are among the “members” of Advocates for Social Justice. Councilmember Ashley Vanorny has additionally expressed support for the radical group.

From the Facebook invitation:

“Iowan politicians are passing racist and dangerous bills. These bills increase protection for dangerous cops, ban diversity/equity/inclusion training and education, increase penalties for BLM protestors, and prevent cities from defunding their police budgets.”

Kari Donovan of DJHJ Media posted more on the protest. Also see coverage at The Blaze.

Screenshot from Facebook Invitation

During the protest, Josephine Mulvihill, 18, was “arrested & charged with assaulting an officer,” according to Andy Ngo. Ngo is the author of NYT bestseller “Unmasked,” which delves into the militant left-wing Antifa group. Video Ngo posted of the arrest shows a mob of Black Lives Matter supporters attempting to physically stop the arrest.


After people started drawing comparisons to the chaos at the Iowa Capitol building to the events in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021, the leftist establishment attempted damage control.

Media Scrambles to Paint Protest as Peaceful

Daniel Dale, “fact-checker” for CNN, disputed the video everyone can see with their own eyes. Referring to Andy Ngo’s Tweet, Dale says “This is a lie.”

He continues:

“Protesters did not storm Iowa’s Capitol…they had a permit, they went through security, the building is open to the public. Per Des Moines Register, the one arrest was of a high school student an officer claimed “pushed my arm in an attempt to gain my attention.”

Dale ironically mentions the Des Moines Register, which has at least one antisemitic Black Lives Matter “journalist” on staff, Andrea May Sahouri.

Twitter scrambled to assure everyone that the protest was “peaceful and legal.”

Twitter Screenshot

RAIR Foundation USA reported on the numerous times militant leftist activists have descended upon government buildings across America and in Washington, D.C.

See RAIR’s coverage of the events that took place on January 6, 2021:

Renee Nal

Renee Nal is an investigative journalist and documentary film producer.

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