A high-ranking intelligence “expert” for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) mocks “conspiracy theorists”, claims Texas terrorist Malik Faisal Akram was an “anti-vaxxer” admired by “white supremacists”, and says “anti-government groups” in America support the Taliban.
George Washington University’s highly partisan, January 6th–obsessed “Program on Extremism” hosted the discussion on February 15, 2022 with the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis Leader John Cohen to discuss the absurd National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) bulletin published earlier this month.
The event, moderated by Deputy Director of the Program on Extremism Seamus Hughes, was in response to the bulletin dated February 7, 2022, which warned citizens in part of the threat of violence precipitated by “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and the latest: “malinformation“, which the acronym-loving federal government refers to as (MDM).
Questions about Coronavirus Measures and Election Fraud Could Lead to Violence
The unacceptable opinions domestic terrorists use to “sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions” include concerns about coronavirus mandates, election fraud, and 5G technology. Additionally, the bulletin ominously warns, some “threat actors” seek to “justify attacks against immigrants” by exploiting the “resettlement of Afghan nationals” to America.
The DHS claims to be working with the private sector and “foreign counterparts” to root out these “false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories” that “could inspire violence.”
Perhaps DHS has not received the memo, but ALL speech is constitutionally protected in America. The First Amendment to the Constitution does not have qualifiers. Should the federal government be “monitoring” online activities where no credible threat exists?
See the Bulletin Here:
Questions about Coronavirus Measures and Election Fraud Could Lead to Violence by Noyb Nal on Scribd
‘Calls for Violence…Are Pervasive’
John Cohen asserts that there is an “increased specificity” in the threats, but does not reveal details about any of the threats, or provide specifics about any supposedly thwarted attacks.
“The calls for violence which are pervasive across different threat actor platforms has become much more specific as to the targets that should be attacked,” Cohen lamented.
Targets include “[A]cademic institutions, government officials including election officials or those involved in public health activities, law enforcement, houses of worship – churches, synagogues, mosques – pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical executives, and others in our society that are targeted based on their race, immigration status, ethnicity, or political beliefs,” he continued, without offering details or examples.
In fact, the only specific examples of domestic terror attacks offered during the conversation was 1.) the January terror attack on Colleyville synagogue in Texas by Malik Faisal Akram, who wanted to free “Lady Al Qaeda” terrorist Aafia Siddiqui and 2.) the attempted shooting murder of Jewish Louisville mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg by “Black Lives Matter activist” Quintez Brown, who was bailed out by a Leftist Bail Fund found at ActBlue and 3.) a December shooting rampage by unhinged tattoo artist and science fiction author Lyndon James McLeod, who targeted people he knew.
Jihadi Malik Faisal Akram was an ‘Anti-Vaxxer’
During the discussion, Cohen compared American “white supremacists” to jihadi terrorists several times. “It’s kind of intriguing to me that right after [the attack on] Colleyville [synagogue] or even while it was going on,” Cohen said, “[W]e were seeing content being posted online by foreign terrorist thought leaders talking about the hostage situation, talking about the issues, calling on others to replicate.”
Without offering specifics, Cohen continues:
But what we also saw – and this brings an added layer of complexity to the threat environment – we saw similar messaging on white supremacist platforms. Their biggest complaint was, though, that the hostage situation didn’t turn into a lethal attack.
Individuals call for violence every day, whether it is against politicians, Canadian truckers or President Donald Trump and his supporters. There is no excusing this, but it is sadly commonplace and constitutionally protected. John Cohen knows well that there is a difference between ranting and credible threats. To conflate vague hateful statements by unnamed “white supremacists” to “foreign terrorist thought leaders” is an obvious political move, considering that “white supremacist” is now a common term used against political opponents, just as tired and ridiculous as “racist.”
Further, Cohen said that there was a “sense of admiration” over the Colleyville attack and Biden’s criminally botched Afghanistan exit, by “white supremacists and anti-government groups regarding the efforts of the Taliban”. It is amazing how white supremacists have such admiration for non-white people. And who are these “anti-government groups”? And why aren’t Republicans calling out these ridiculous statements and demanding specific information?
Cohen explains that Colleyville represents the “shifting threat environment.” He attempts to minimalize the Jihadi ideology, instead saying that Akram had “underlying mental health issues” and was an “anti-vaxxer.”
You know, what we learned about this guy thus far [Malik Faisal Akram] is that he’s very consistent with what I described earlier. Right? Disaffected individual, underlying mental health issues, self-connected with a number of ideological beliefs. Yes, he definitely adopted an extremist Islamic perspective, but he also was an anti-vaxxer, anti-government type.”
The Colleyville terrorist “matches the behavioral characteristics of a large number of those individuals who have conducted attacks in this country over the last several years.” What attacks? Again, Cohen declines to give specifics.
‘Violent Extremists’ Involved in Trucker Freedom Convoy
The Department of Homeland Security’s John Cohen claims that “ideologically motivated violent extremists” are involved in the Trucker Freedom Convoy. Offering zero specifics as usual, Cohen cites Canadian intelligence.
The claim is reminiscent to that made by a Canadian university professor Stephanie Carvin on several American news outlets. Carvin’s statement, while unsupported, has been picked up by the News Literacy Program, a radical left organization (which claims to be nonpartisan) teaching children to blindly accept narratives from the legacy media.
DHS ‘Tracks’ Those who Refer to the Super Bowl as the ‘Satanic Bowl’
This exchange started going off the rails around the time Cohen talks about a potential trucker convoy in America. “We began to see calls over time for similar activities in the United States…” Cohen warns ominously. “And this becomes one of these tricky issue areas,” Cohen says. Because although a convoy may be a perfectly constitutionally protected activity, sometimes “actual specific calls for violence” are taking place, like referring to the Super Bowl as the “Satanic Bowl”:
When you start seeing woven into the threads of conversation regarding the planning of these events, actual specific calls for violence – referring to the Super Bowl as the Satanic Bowl, using calls which coincide with threats directed at the pharmaceutical industry and government facilities – then it’s something we have to evaluate and track.
The DHS issued an alert claiming that Truckers were seeking to disrupt the Super Bowl. It is unclear how referring to the Super Bowl as the “Satanic Bowl” is a “specific call for violence”. But evidently, the DHS took the threat very seriously.
Hilariously, despite zero threats to the Super Bowl, Cohen credits the DHS bulletin for provoking “online reflections” and deterring “potential actions”.
If there is one theme John Cohen wants to get across, it is that there is now a comingling of ideologies.
There are cases in which you have individuals who take pictures of themselves in front of a neo-nazi flag and a flag associated with ISIS,” Cohen says. “You have individuals who will individualize their ideological beliefs where they’ll have a little bit of anarchist beliefs blended with white supremacist beliefs and anti-government beliefs with a little Incel thrown in there,” he continued.
What “cases”? Cases of domestic terror? Cohen gives no examples.
John Cohen Mocks Conspiracy Theorists
Cohen says he gets “hit” on how he knows what a “conspiracy theory” is. Clearly reading from a list he must have written in preparation for the discussion, Cohen mocks “conspiracy theorists”:
Let me just say, just to set the record straight here, Jewish Space Lasers did not start the California forest fires, there is no secret group of blood-drinking public officials who are trying to rule the world, the FBI didn’t plan and carry out the January 6 attack, wearing masks doesn’t give you Covid, public health measures are not a secret effort to displace the white race, vaccines are not a secret effort to implant microchips into individuals so that we can track and displace individuals, and law enforcement is not going to arrest people simply because they disagree with their political views.”
It is unclear which of the above “conspiracy theories” have led to violence. John Cohen then chides anyone repeating these conspiracy theories, which have been spread by foreign terrorists and unspecified “domestic terrorist thought leaders” but also by “those in the media,” and “those in pubic office,” he said.
It’s ‘Irresponsible’ to Question DHS Thought Crimes Bulletin
The intelligence professional claims that his department in the federal government has “expanded [their] ability to evaluate online activity”. Perhaps Hillary Clinton is offering trainings to the DHS on how to spy on political enemies. Cohen angrily denounced those who dare push back against the thought crimes bulletin as “irresponsible,” chiding that questioning the motivation of the Department of Homeland Security “may also contribute to the volatility of the threat environment.”
Watch the discussion here:
Read Selected RAIR Foundation USA Articles:
- Great Reset: Biden Colludes with World Economic Forum to Reward Climate Cronies (Video)
- Arm Yourself: How to Spot Communist Dog-Whistles
- ‘News Literacy Program’: American Children Taught that Canadian Truckers are ‘Rooted in Extremism’
- ALERT: 37,000 Teachers Use Left-Wing ‘News Literacy Project’ to Indoctrinate Children (Videos)
- WARNING: Dangerous New Antifa Doxxing Group – Beware of ‘Deplatform Hate’
- Unmasked: Patrick Young Leads Army of Democrat Foot Soldiers
- BEWARE: Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Socialism Bill IS the ‘Great Reset’
- Great Reset: Self Anointed Elitists Want to Impose Global Socialism (Must Watch)
- Blinded by Beijing: The World Health Organization Director is a China-Funded Marxist Revolutionary
- ALERT: Bill Gates’ Obsession With Population Control Should Discredit Him
- The Enduring Influence of Thomas Malthus
- BREAKING: Left-Wing ‘Trusted News Initiative’ will Ban Posts Challenging Coronavirus Vaccine (Plot Exposed)
Wasn’t the Waukesha Christmas Parade murderer an act of terrorism?
“The prime minister of Canada, the way he’s behaving right now – he’s exactly like a tyrant, like a dictator. He’s like Ceaușescu in Romania,” MEP Cristian Terheș, of Romania, said during a speech to European Parliament in Brussels. “If you raise doubts about the vaccines, you’re outcasted. What’s the difference between what he does and what happened under The Inquisition?” ”
Destroy these tyrants as soon as possible! Enough is enough!
Citizens anger is already over the boiling point!
he was still a racist anti semite muslim, despite his vaccine views.
“Targets include “[A]cademic institutions, government officials including election officials or those involved in public health activities, law enforcement, houses of worship – churches, synagogues, mosques – pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical executives, and others in our society that are targeted based on their race, immigration status, ethnicity, or political beliefs,” he continued, without offering details or examples.”
So are the pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical executives being targeted for their race, immigration status, or ethnicity?
Or is it just their political beliefs…
DHS (aka) Migrant Bus Taxi and Air Service.
DHS Was Created After The ‘Skull N Bones’ Bush’s ‘New Pearl Harbor’ 911 Event – Along With The Patriot Acts – All Unconstitutional – To Hide Their ‘Criminal Activity’ Under National Security.
This guy is the ‘invincible arrogant ‘ manifesto of pre-crime xenophobia. His motto is, guilty till proven innocent, the ends justify the means, he’s a stassi statist. His political targets are to him ‘criminals, and it’s okay to lie about them to destroy them, before they can do anything else with their lives. He believes in a caste system, where he thinks he knows what needs to be done, and it’s preemptively exterminating what he views as deplorables.