Mohammad comes from a country and a religion that views women as less than men, and the Quran explicitly permits women to be kept as sex slaves, especially if they are not Muslim.
Amidst the ongoing migration crisis, German women tragically find themselves caught in the crosshairs, as migrant men, especially those of Muslim background, perceive them as acceptable targets.
The AfD, Germany’s only conservative party, previously warned that "99% of Afghans support Sharia," making it impossible for Afghans to be integrated into German society.
At an Ismaili Muslim center in Lisbon, Portugal, on Tuesday, an Islamic man wielding a large knife killed two women and injured several other people on Tuesday. Portuguese police said they were investigating the...
White House Democrats have a history of fighting against terror victims suing Islamic terrorists. The Obama administration battled American terror victims suing the PLO. In 2015, after they won a $218 million judgement...
Despite the many dangerous roles females play within Islamic terrorist organizations, the West continues to paint them as victims and downplay their threat.
"Our masters tell us that we must save 'allies' and 'translators'—and then in the next breath admit that they’re indiscriminately taking anyone." - Michael Anton
The Austrian Chancellor explained that the migration flows since 2015 have already brought antisemitism, homophobia, and people "not exactly upholding women's rights" in Europe.
Instead of countries immediately deporting these high-risk terrorist-tied individuals, they have remained in the West while governments decide what to do with them.
The U.S. State Department is flying unvetted Afghani Muslims to America while stopping Christian Afghanis from fleeing to other countries willing to give them refuge.
A statement made by leaders of The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal begs for the safe removal of journalists and their families.