Kamala Harris's potential Attorney General picks—Eric Holder, Tony West, and Keith Ellison—are each deeply entrenched in radical communist movements, poised to drive a revolutionary agenda that could irreversibly...
"And don’t forget: Even if this package isn’t called 'Build Back Better,' it's the contents, not the name, that matter." - Indivisible, March 7, 2022
Democrats and their allies are pushing the Build Back Better Socialist Spending Scam while premptively blaming their favorite scapegoat - the private sector - for the inevitable inflation that will result.
The three most important things critically needed to return credibility to big tech are transparency, consistency and accountability for their own political bias.
Using a literal Communist Party member and HAMAS-linked CAIR as a source, the Des Moines Register propagandized that a violent career criminal was influenced by President Donald Trump to commit a hate crime.