The EU’s threat to invalidate Germany’s elections, particularly targeting the Alternative for Germany (AfD), exposes Brussels’ transformation into an authoritarian force determined to suppress political dissent...
In a chilling move that reads like a page from Orwell’s 1984, the European Union is formalizing its role as a gatekeeper of information with the creation of an “Information Sharing and Analysis...
Polish MEP Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik delivered a blistering critique of EU President Ursula von der Leyen, calling her leadership a "big mistake" and condemning her Green Deal and Migration Pact as existential threats to...
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced the temporary suspension of the right to apply for asylum at the Belarusian border as a response to what he calls Russia’s “hybrid warfare.” The move...
In a powerful speech addressing the European Parliament, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán didn’t hold back as he slammed the European Commission for its handling of key issues, particularly the war in Ukraine and...
The EU’s digital vaccination card, planned long before the pandemic, is quietly creating a global surveillance network that strips citizens of their rights, invades their privacy, and hands control over to unelected...
On Tuesday, August 19, 2024, Elon Musk posted a quote from JFK regarding the United Nations’ stance on Freedom of Speech at its inception. This was most likely in response to threats from the European Union...
“Your job is to take in migrants and welcome them because they come out of love. And whether you like it or not, we're an aging continent so you have to let them in," Ylva Johansson, the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.
The European Commission’s proposed measures against Elon Musk’s X platform (formerly Twiiter), ostensibly aimed at combating “disinformation,” have sparked significant criticism, particularly...
"I was very open and told the President of the European Commission that it's clear she's suspected to be connected to the largest vaccine purchase in the history of the European Commission, that she exchanged secret...
The left-wing European Union is attempting to strip Hungarian mothers and fathers of their parental rights by falsely accusing the Hungarian government of adopting discriminatory and homophobic laws, in a bid to drum up...
Poland’s government minister, Janusz Kowalski, recently unveiled a proposal for an “anti-bug law” requiring food products containing insects to be labeled with a special warning. The proposal aims to...
"The reasoning for increased immigration from Africa was already established in 2019 due to the collective guilt that all Europeans owe all Africans." - MEP Gunnar Beck
Are you looking forward to a utopia where you own nothing and eat bugs in which a chip in your body is linked to a social credit system that tells a global government all they need to know about you?
It is difficult to think of a more flagrant conflict of interest than to give a Gates-funded UN agency the power to enforce vaccines sold by, you guessed it, Bill Gates.
“Why do they want to force people to get vaccinated with a vaccine that isn’t really a vaccine and has already killed more people than any other vaccine?”