Joe Biden's unconstitutional, arbitrary and unscientific vaccine mandate requires businesses with over 100 employees to force their employees to take the vaccine or submit to weekly coronavirus testing.
"Our masters tell us that we must save 'allies' and 'translators'—and then in the next breath admit that they’re indiscriminately taking anyone." - Michael Anton
The U.S. State Department is flying unvetted Afghani Muslims to America while stopping Christian Afghanis from fleeing to other countries willing to give them refuge.
A statement made by leaders of The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal begs for the safe removal of journalists and their families.
The pandemic has presented an unprecedented opportunity for communist agitators to put a further wedge between landlords and their tenants and ultimately strip citizens of the American dream of home ownership.
"And I want every New Zealander to come forward, but human behavior suggests that there will be some people who we have to really go out and look for..."
RAIR Foundation USA has compiled a list of the top ten facts about Omar Mateen and the Pulse Nightclub jihad attack that the Democrats want to erase from history.
American taxpayers funded the AstraZeneca vaccine, but it is not authorized for use in America. It has been suspended in numerous countries and banned in Denmark.
Muslims who view themselves as enemies of the United States, its people, and its fundamental laws should not be allowed to migrate to any non-Muslim nation.
It is entirely plausible that Biden's handlers will attempt to sneak in "agricultural emissions" regulations to further persecute farmers and ranchers in America. In fact, it is likely.