A municipal police officer from Chesnay (Yvelines) was violently struck by the driver of a stolen car, identified as 23-year-old Jean Tsoungui, described as “African type.” Tsoungui, who has a lengthy...
In a chilling incident that has sent shockwaves through Barcelona, a man described as of “North African” origin, with a history known to local authorities, unleashed a vicious assault on multiple women...
The video conveys contempt for the hardworking French individuals who have contributed to the system she is exploiting, all the while ridiculing those who actively support it through their labor.
These alarming occurrences raise questions about the safety of females, many of whom are minors, in and around the Eiffel Tower, emphasizing the need for enhanced security measures, border controls, and the deportation...
A disturbing incident in Dundalk, Ireland, where a mother confronted a predator stalking her daughter, culminated in a violent attack by a sub-Saharan migrant, raising concerns and sparking debates about illegal...
This incident has also rekindled discussions about France's failed open-border immigration policies, once again sparking debates about the challenges and consequences of such policies.
According to the Luxembourg judges, the individual offenses in themselves are not enough to forfeit refugee status, virtually giving criminal migrant gangs a license.
Last week Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced the Italian government is introducing prison sentences ranging from 20 to 30 years for human traffickers who cause the deaths of migrants as a part of new...
A 26-year-old Eritrean migrant brutally attacked a 55-year-old Italian woman and a 16-year-old girl at Zurich’s central train station on Sunday evening. Both women had to be hospitalized, the first with serious...
A 21-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, who has been found guilty of murdering an aspiring Royal Marine, had previously killed two people in Serbia before posing as a child to gain entry into Britain. Lawangeen...
Unfortunately, for Swedes who are living with this type of violence and thuggery on a daily basis, reporting truthfully about increasingly brazen migrant crime is one of those areas where the mainstream media is absent...