This week, a massive crowd gathered in the Czech capital, Prague, to demonstrate against, among other things, the country’s government, which has failed to deal with the rampant food and energy costs. They...
The following video report from Italian television shows the surrender of the last of the Ukrainian troops at the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine. The Red Cross is registering all the military...
"A new revised World Health Organization agreement aims to give Bill Gates and Gavi de facto pandemic and surveillance governing power over all 198 member states in the next pandemic."
"In the New World Order plans, Italy should succumb, be invaded by millions of immigrants, lose its Catholic identity, erase its traditions, and be sold off to foreign multinationals."
"People who refuse to call Putin an 'occupier' or 'tyrant' will receive the same treatment as people who spoke out against the corona vaccines" - Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
The world is at a crossroads, and America is on the precipice losing all the liberties we inherited from our forefathers. Will we overcome the divisions like those of the 13 colonies? Or will we fall victim to the...
“To prevent World War III and an attack on Russia with nuclear weapons, the Russian government decided to neutralize the threat and restore order in Ukraine” - former Ukrainian P.M. Azarov
If you dare to step out of line, there are grave consequences for you, ranging from attacks on your character, removal from your careers and community, to imprisonment.
What has always made the Western World the strongest was its respect for fundamental rights and a government that served the people, which Trudeau's government has abandoned. - MEP Cristian Terhes