In a revealing video conversation, veteran Canadian journalist Brian Lilley and seasoned political strategist Warren Kinsella discuss the intricate web of funding and orchestrated campaigns targeting journalists who...
Mainstream media coverage of the terrorist attack fails to address its Islamic motives, choosing instead to malign the victim, Bishop Emmanuel’s vaccine beliefs, and portray the legitimate anger of the Christian...
In a powerful video statement, Professor Emeritus Masayasu Inoue, formerly of Osaka City University Medical School, has issued a stern warning about what he describes as a global misuse of the COVID-19 pandemic by the...
From unmasking manipulative Covid agendas to exploring alternative education paths, the 'Rally in the Valley' event in Canada highlighted a diverse range of concerns and solutions in the face of societal shifts.
The presence of DNA in Covid "vaccines" raises serious concerns about potential long-term health impacts, as it can influence the cell's nucleus for years, turning our bodies into mRNA and spike protein factories.
"This is a shameful attempt to silence anyone who challenges the official narrative and raise legitimate concerns about the safety and efficacy of these experimental vaccines."
The 42-year-old Dictator, who has held the position since 2017, became well-known worldwide during the pandemic for her contempt for individual freedom.
Last month on the Argentinian TV program “Buenos Días América” (BDA), something remarkable happened, reports 9 For News. Presenter Antonio Laje was talking to nutritionist Teresa Cóccaro when she...
According to police, Phil Haney gave his potted plants to his neighbor, but he left his sensitive documents, including thumb drives and his laptop behind, which were confiscated by the federal government
As the GOP seems to think they have the next election in the bag, Obama & Holder - with corrupt attorney Marc Elias - are gaining ground with All On The Line.
"They just came in 500 strong, sound cannons, drones...they took me right away and then they started smashing windows and dragging guys out of their beds... " - Scott from the Freedom Convoy
Despite being fired from her job, doxxed, labeled 'dangerous' by the CBC & being visited by police, Kristen Nagle pushed ahead and co-founded 'Canadian Frontline Nurses'.
"...the FBI didn't plan and carry out the January 6 attack, wearing masks doesn't give you Covid, public health measures are not a secret effort to displace the white race..." - DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis...