Zemmour argued that dangerous foreign migrant forces, most of which are Islamic, have seized control of several French suburbs, also known as no-go zones.
The ban confirms what liberty advocates in America have long been screaming from the rooftops. Despite their years of denial, the radical left seeks to strip ALL guns from law-abiding people.
A battle between Bernie Sanders supporters and the Democrat establishment was foreshadowed in comments made by Bernie's paid campaign staffer Kyle Jurek back in January.
According to the National Institute of Health, 96.3% did not die of coronavirus, but of other pathologies stated Sgarbi - which means that only 925 have died from the virus and 24,075 have died of other things.
Local police claimed they did not break up the gathering or hand out a single fine due to the disproportionate numbers of muslims violating Spain’s social distancing laws.
The formerly Russian-Collusion-Obsessed mainstream media has completely ignored a very revealing detail from an interview presumptive democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden had with MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-host...
Medical workers are being given an e-learning class that teaches medical staff workers how to "put [coronavirus] patients in an unconscious state" and furthermore, "put them to sleep forever" instead of administering...
Left-wing NGO's are demanding the Spanish government decongest migrant centers by speeding up migrant transfers to Spain's mainland not back to their country of origin where they are legal citizens.
The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office (PNAT) was quick to announce that they are awaiting a mental evaluation of the suspect to decide whether or not to take up the investigation.
Many viewed this event as both a foreshadowing of the direction in Spain, as well as a provocation towards non-Muslim Spaniards through the reclamation of land that was once under Islamic rule.
"We need professionals in other countries to question the decisions being made in Sweden because it's extremely immoral towards our elderly patients that have built up the country..."
"It is known that SARS escaped a lab in Beijing, and that China covered it up. But in the case of the current pandemic, one is attacked for merely questioning whether the coronavirus was engineered in a lab."
The ultimate irony is that those pushing this narrative are entirely unconcerned about the innocent citizens of China, who endure immense suffering under the brutal communist regime.
Fearing the surge in anti-EU sentiment and the growing popularity of Salvini, Conte and the EU are using their power to persecute their political rivals and those opposing their globalist agenda.