The Chinese Communists have their tendrils in nearly every American industry, from food production to farming, transportation, education, medicines, media, movies, etc.
Shut Down DC and their allied organizations are a part of a complex web of democrat-friendly left-wing foot soldiers. But the legacy media supports them, the democrats work with them, and the Republicans look in the...
"The vaccine is not gonna work, early treatment has always worked, and government mismanagement of patients is why people have died." - Nurse Morgan Wallace
Officers offering support and protection to citizens protesting tyrannical lockdowns and “vaccine” mandates are under attack & imprisoned by left-wing leaders.
Shut Down DC often works with other radical left groups to engage in destructive actions, as DC politicians and the media looks the other way, or even celebrates them.
“We demand” is the operative phrase used by CAIR to target people they want to destroy. CAIR’s cancel culture works on the famous and not-so-famous alike. The term “Islamophobic” is thrown around like so much confetti...
Nurse Collette Martin reveals that adverse reactions from the Covid vaccine are not being reported to VAERS. Also, many of her colleagues do not even know what VAERS is.
New Hampshire Department of Children, Youth, and Families saw fit to issue a protective order, deploy their agents, and issue a “be on the lookout” notice to local police departments.
Citizens in Canada and around the globe have witnessed abhorrent tyrannical behavior surrounding the coronavirus and vaccines, as well as an ongoing dismissal of leftist violence.
But even as the New Jersey Health Department pushes children to get vaccinated, knowledgeable healthcare professionals and scientists are begging parents to take a breath.
Dale Ho is a political partisan who would be better suited for an Antifa / Black Lives Matter looting spree than as a federal judge on the United States District Court.