Canadian veteran James Topp has been walking and jogging cross-Canada, from Vancouver on the Pacific coast to Ottawa, Ontario, to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s punitive and politically based mandates and...
"If we have a decision from a judge saying that all the vaccine mandates are unconstitutional, the Trudeau government and provincial governments won’t be able to impose vaccine passports again." -
"Now doctors are saying that COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer, and not just at the site of injection, but throughout the body due to toxic spike proteins that travel to cleansing organs."
"A new revised World Health Organization agreement aims to give Bill Gates and Gavi de facto pandemic and surveillance governing power over all 198 member states in the next pandemic."
French member of the European Parliament for Rassemblement National (National Rally), Virginie Joron, railed against the waste and corruption surrounding Covid vaccine orders. Billions of Covid “vaccine” doses were...
Jordan Peterson, who has studied totalitarian regimes, could not see what was going on sooner, leading Ventureyra to wonder whether Peterson could be a form of controlled opposition.
“Why do they want to force people to get vaccinated with a vaccine that isn’t really a vaccine and has already killed more people than any other vaccine?”
"A democratically non-legitimized body, into which the richest of the super-rich buy their way through donations, is to decide in the future whether a pandemic situation exists, in order to then directly take over...
"There are a couple of influential globalists, who according to their own words, view the Corona crisis as a huge opportunity to “reset” our world." - MP Gideon van Meijeren
"They just came in 500 strong, sound cannons, drones...they took me right away and then they started smashing windows and dragging guys out of their beds... " - Scott from the Freedom Convoy