Long-time hard left agitator Martin Gugino allegedly trained striking Verizon employees how to fall backwards if they were "bumped by a car," according to a Facebook post forwarded to RAIR Foundation USA.
Radical left-wing organizations and individuals are using the death of George Floyd to destroy America from within. This movement exploits the death of Mr. Floyd in an effort to promote communist revolution.
RAIR Foundation USA presents a series documenting events from the Far-Left 2020 Riots as they unfold. In this installment, RAIR covers the looting and destruction of businesses and property by rioters. The riots are...
"We know that the noble, just aims of the protestors are righteous and good. But we also know that some evil elements are literally defusing themselves with the protest to destroy and cause arson so the whole community...
Tommy Robinson details how the leftist tech giants, politicized police, courts, and establishment parties as well as globalist media, work together to prevent anyone from discussing the effects Islam, or open borders...