Sameera Fazili is a member of Stand With Kashmir (SWK), a radical Islamic supremacist organization tied to Pakistan that is fighting for Kashmiri Separatism and against U.S. interests.
Salvini is on trial for “kidnapping”, which in reality was preventing 131 potentially dangerous and illegal migrants disembarking from the Gregoretti , a Soros-funded NGO ship.
Mainstream left-wing politicians and activists did not hang their heads in shame, but rather celebrated those who took part in torching the Third Precinct.
When the woman returned home she found an army of illegals had broken into her house, tore down the doors, smashed windows, and taken possession of her property.
“…as a direct result of our organizing, President Biden has signed an important executive order — using Our Revolution’s language…” – Our Revolution mass email, January 30, 2021
Despite his unscientific Executive Order mandating the use of masks in the federal government, Joe Biden forgot to put his face diaper on as he fled from a reporter asking a relatively mild question.
The Islamic and socialist values that are currently sinking much of Europe into an ungovernable and burgeoning totalitarian nightmare have now seized control of the highest office in America.