"Those are the shock troops, but there are 20 or more communist groups operating freely in the United States who engage in what they refer to as 'anti-fascist' militant action."
"We were really targeted. Our crew and I... the crowd turned on us. It's clear it was organized, and then a mob descended on us." Leland Vittert, Fox News Journalist, May 30, 2020
"We know that the noble, just aims of the protestors are righteous and good. But we also know that some evil elements are literally defusing themselves with the protest to destroy and cause arson so the whole community...
After having used drones and helicopters to control the Italians in quarantine, now the government is preparing a marshaling of 60,000 guardians to follow Italians who leave the house. Enough. – Matteo Salvini
Children are historically exploited by communist governments and turned against their families. Germany is no different. The Chinese coronavirus has acted a springboard for hard left governments to flex their tyrannical...
"......five policemen rushed at me from behind, two took my arms brutally and mercilessly, dragged me by force, two flanked the attack" - Angelika Barbe, former German MP
"If you don't take your rights, and you let the government decide for you what rights you are going to enjoy day to day, then you've lost them." - Jean-Serge Brisson
"These media outlets are conspiracy practitioners...[D]eleting other opinions and facts; George Orwell could not have conceived of it better." - Jürgen Braun, May 15, 2020
Never blindly accept a narrative from the mainstream media, particularly when they sneer condescendingly that a "conspiracy theory" has been "debunked."
Prominent Islamic party activist, Abu Faisal, calls for the genocide of Hindus and claims Muslims can easily kill, rape and wipe out Hindus in a viral Facebook video.
Brad Johnson notes that the most serious potential indictment would be levied on John Brennan - conspiracy to commit treason which could trigger the recently reinstated federal death penalty.
Isabel Díaz Ayuso not only attacks the draconian restrictions, but she also lashes out against the government for crushing the people’s ability to peacefully protest against these “dictatorial mandate measures.”
Many Germans have long feared that If given the chance, Merkel would try to establish total control over society. Could their fears be coming to fruition?