Through the deliberate exploitation of ballot curing processes, CCP-linked organizations like Seed the Vote, alongside militant leftist groups such as Indivisible, the Working Families Party, and others, are...
Kamala Harris's potential Attorney General picks—Eric Holder, Tony West, and Keith Ellison—are each deeply entrenched in radical communist movements, poised to drive a revolutionary agenda that could irreversibly...
"And if we allow this to be taught in our schools, we have nobody to blame but ourselves for losing our children and losing our country because we will lose the country, folks."
The organization with the most resources to resist against communist activists getting elected is the GOP. But they remain silent as all levels of government are infiltrated.
"We know that the noble, just aims of the protestors are righteous and good. But we also know that some evil elements are literally defusing themselves with the protest to destroy and cause arson so the whole community...