Despite being fired from her job, doxxed, labeled 'dangerous' by the CBC & being visited by police, Kristen Nagle pushed ahead and co-founded 'Canadian Frontline Nurses'.
The scientific community has been woefully uninterested, and downright negligent in exploring Contagious Vaccinosis and so many aspects of the pandemic.
Canadian physician and biomedical ethics expert Dr. Barry Engelhardt shares his observations about the coronavirus pandemic during an exclusive interview with RAIR Foundation USA.
Citizens in Canada and around the globe have witnessed abhorrent tyrannical behavior surrounding the coronavirus and vaccines, as well as an ongoing dismissal of leftist violence.
Unvaxxed Allen West Infuriates left-wing establishment after recovering quickly from Covid: "There are far better protocols that individual citizens can utilize and decide for themselves."
"In a normal clinical trial this number of young men coming down with myocarditis, the trial would have been stopped in its tracks. Boom! Finished! Done!"
Court documents reveal that fellow student Matthew Dace's charge against Duxbury included his "reputation" for being a "right wing activist" who wore a MAGA hat to school.