“The Canadian public needs to wake up to the fact that not just over the last two years – but maybe more so – the highest ranks have shown partisan favoritism to the current ruling political class,” retired Canadian...
"Dearest fascist Germany, dear oppressive structure, dear courts, The time will come when we will catch you fascists, and I will not do it personally; it will happen automatically." - Nina Maleika
The Bishop believes that "the next tricks of the criminals who rule the world will be artificially created famine" and urges Europeans to stock up on food while they can still buy it.
"A new revised World Health Organization agreement aims to give Bill Gates and Gavi de facto pandemic and surveillance governing power over all 198 member states in the next pandemic."
Most Americans do not realize that their tax dollars are being used to fund programs that can lead to the enslavement of humanity in ways that have never before been imagined.
According to police, Phil Haney gave his potted plants to his neighbor, but he left his sensitive documents, including thumb drives and his laptop behind, which were confiscated by the federal government
Officers offering support and protection to citizens protesting tyrannical lockdowns and “vaccine” mandates are under attack & imprisoned by left-wing leaders.