In one case, a coronavirus patient on a ventilator was given a "zero percent" chance of survival. The daughter fought the hospital to give her mother ivermectin, and now the mother is home healing.
The Israel numbers are very compelling. The Biden team and their allies can no longer say that the vaccines are better than natural immunity, or even comes close.
Americans are also funding terrorists in the Middle East, globalist NGOs & multilateral organizations, socialist groups pushing voter fraud, overseas abortions, universities indoctrinating students and more.
"Our masters tell us that we must save 'allies' and 'translators'—and then in the next breath admit that they’re indiscriminately taking anyone." - Michael Anton
"Democrats are intentionally accelerating demographic change in this country for political advantage, so rather than convince people to vote for them, that’s called democracy, they’re counting on brand-new voters." ...
"Democrats intend to push through massive spending designed to enrich their cronies, dilute the vote through amnesty, and make Americans as dependent as possible on the government by using the budget reconciliation...
The webinar, headlined "Our Revolution PA: Understanding Critical Race Theory", was designed to help officials "rebut" objections to the false CRT narrative.
During an interview with a terror-tied Imam, Jones admitted that he considers legislation in Ohio from the point of view of Sharia and Quranic law and not from the view of the United States constitution.
The pandemic has presented an unprecedented opportunity for communist agitators to put a further wedge between landlords and their tenants and ultimately strip citizens of the American dream of home ownership.
"And if we allow this to be taught in our schools, we have nobody to blame but ourselves for losing our children and losing our country because we will lose the country, folks."
The insidious plot to remove Jewish roots from Christian history, and in extension, American history, stems from the same irreligious fervor that fuels Marxists, socialists, communists, and all those who seek to tear...