Hospitals throughout Germany inflated their ICU occupancy rates to receive government money. These falsified ICU figures were used to justify the suspension of citizens' rights and government power grabs.
The targeting of Thuringian AfD state chairman Björn Höcke is Chancellor Merkel’s latest underhanded tactic to stop her only political opposition, the conservative AfD party.
Germany’s controversial Infection Protection Act (IfSG) already allows the state to isolate citizens in prison facilities, confiscate children, and place them in ‘forced Isolation coronavirus facilities.
"Citizens have lost confidence in a government that sends police officers with yardsticks to harass people seeking recreation in a park, but tell police officers to stand by idly while [culture-enriching] clans...
It is not surprising that German-run NGO would proudly display the fascist group's flag, they too, are financially and politically supported by German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government.
While the EU Commissioner is concerned about the rights and living conditions of the refugees and migrants she completely ignores the economic burdens and safety concerns of the islanders
"The move to target Germany's only conservative party is the latest in a coordinated global effort by left-wing powerful elites to eliminate all opposition... "
Barbed wire and a security fence surround the facility. Prisoners live with metal bars on their window, a hard mattress, and are fed through a food flap in their doors.
With the German government illegally exercising power, Dr. Fiechtner implored the people to exercise their rights and resist these illegal government impositions.