The sudden and dramatic resignation of the entire board of Justin Trudeau’s Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation on April 10, 2023, has sent shockwaves throughout Canada. The charitable organization, created to...
In 2010, then-CSIS director Richard Fadden warned during a CBC interview of foreign influence, revealing that some cabinet ministers and public servants are under the influence of foreign governments.
Expect the coming months to signal a massive escalation of Western dirty trick operations to try to topple Modi and weaken the BRICS group of countries increasingly trying to oppose the dictates of Washington and Davos...
The 42-year-old Dictator, who has held the position since 2017, became well-known worldwide during the pandemic for her contempt for individual freedom.
There has been for years an abundance of speculation and scientific evidence that suggest that the novel coronavirus was created in the laboratories of China by scientists of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the...
The head of the Dutch party Forum for Democracy (FvD), Thierry Baudet, warns, "and that's why our 'leaders' find the corona pass so interesting: if citizens are planning something that they don't like, you just put...
The Bishop believes that "the next tricks of the criminals who rule the world will be artificially created famine" and urges Europeans to stock up on food while they can still buy it.
The Elites want to dictate every aspect of your life from what you eat, to where you go, down to how many times a week you are allowed to shower and wash your underwear.
A statement made by leaders of The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal begs for the safe removal of journalists and their families.
Abascal described the WHO as a "Chinese propaganda channel," which collaborated with the communist government to "cover up" vital coronavirus data and information.
Despite Japan's careful efforts, the CCP and their groveling media cronies are painting them as if they are irresponsibly dumping radioactive water into the sea.
Sameera Fazili is a member of Stand With Kashmir (SWK), a radical Islamic supremacist organization tied to Pakistan that is fighting for Kashmiri Separatism and against U.S. interests.
The "racism" smears came after authorities threatened to evict Biden after he was caught illegally smuggling a stripper and a homeless black woman in the exclusive building that houses the Swedish and Icelandic...