'Join The Corona Cult: Traumatize Your Children and Reap the Admiring looks of fellow Coronazis' (Video)

“Pull the mask over your nose you Nazi kid, or do you want grandma to die?”

Gunnar Kaiser, a German writer and political blogger, released a satirical video addressing the many extreme reactions toward the coronavirus. Sometimes humor can offer people a small break from the horrifying realities of having their freedoms and rights stripped from them under the guise of doing what’s best for them.

Germans have long known that Chancellor Angela Merkel has totalitarian instincts. Many Germans fear that if given the chance, Merkel will try to establish total control over society. Unfortunately, many of their fears are now coming to fruition. The controversial leader seems to be using the virus to set the foundation for a totalitarian dictatorship.

Watch the following video by Gunnar Kaiser exclusively translated by RAIR Foundation USA. As stated in his video description,

“From the makers ‘of all cults in history comes a product that finally puts an end to your disgust for skepticism and criticism: CORONA CULT! Use common sense and join now! What are you waiting for?”


Hellequin GB for the translation.

Tired of people still enjoying life?

That other people meet friends, but nobody wants to be your social contact?

Are you tired of distrusting the government and corporations, seeing everything critically, 
and always from two sides?

Do you also want to give free rein to your deference to authority, and to belong to the majority?

Then we now have exactly the right thing for you: CORONA CULT

A three-month membership in the Corona Cult can eliminate complaints related to 
THINKING FOR YOURSELF, nonconformism, critical rationalism, placing numbers in context,
love of freedom or  awareness of history.

The Corona Cult guarantees you an uninhibited block warden mentality, the expressing of your 
need for denunciation, the opportunity to look down on others, and at the same time to feel 
yourself to be on the morally right side, and much, much more.

Finally relive the delights of faith in science again, the sacrifice for public health and 
the rectum of your government.

Have you got a hard on in your pants when they once again say: “Only Believe Official Sources”?

“These rules must never be questioned” You, too, can become a denier of fundamental rights and 
trivialize collateral damage.

Do you finally feel part of the herd again?

When has that ever been problematic?

Contribute to the traumatization of your own children and reap the admiring looks of your 
fellow Coronazis in return.

At last you can hear music from Wolfgang Niedecken and the “Ärzten” [the doctors] again.

The “science” has proven that Corona cult followers contribute significantly to the division 
of society, but can label themselves “considerate” and “in solidarity” at any time.

But don’t believe my words; just listen to what convinced Corona Cult supporters have to say.

Here is Gunnar before 2020:

“Science means above all the constant questioning of false certainties and an open, 
factual discourse.”

“We have to be careful that we don’t give up basic rights too quickly if we want to continue 
calling ourselves more liberal than China.”

“Whoever sacrifices security for freedom does not deserve either”

And here is Gunnar after only half a year with the Corona Cult:

“Pull the mask over your nose you Nazi kid, or do you want grandma to die?”

“Hello, police? Yes, I would like to report children who are sledding.”

“I also knew a Corona victim once. That makes me a better person and automatically proves 
that I’m right about everything.”

“It’s just a small jab.” So what are you waiting for?

Follow the “science” and contribute to the total economic recession, unemployment, the 
rise of depression and suicides by simply slough off… everything. Say goodbye to an awake
 inquisitive mind and become a Corona Cult follower…

…NOW…! The Corona Cult is also recommended by great minds such as Richard David Precht 
[philosopher and TV host]and the ex-journalist Gert Scobel. Corona Cult, for everyone who 
would have raised their arm before ’33.

Ask your historian and totalitarian researcher about risks and side effects…

… NOT…! 

Better ask your government and the pharmaceutical industry.

Read the following RAIR articles on Coronavirus tyranny in Germany:

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

1 comment

  • Nicely done by Gunar! Maybe this video reaches more Coronazis than most info videos. Im from germany and its ridicilous how Nazi the media has become. The hunt after the not vaccinated people has started.


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